Thursday, November 20, 2008

One Month Old

I am one month old! Yippee!!! It has been such a fun month! I have started smiling, and I have started laughing and kicking my legs and reaching up my arms! I am having so much fun...I love my bouncy seat - I kick and bounce all the time now, and I love the lights and all of the sounds. I am really starting to enjoy music and sounds. I also love my tummy mat so that I can play and have tummy time!

Mommy and Daddy have started taking me on walks to their favorite canal. We feed the ducks, and it is so nice to be out in the nice fall weather! We are trying to get in as many walks as we can before the weather gets too cold!

My Aunt Causby came over this week to keep me while Mommy started to work again a few days this week. She brought my cousins Bailey and Kendall, and we all napped together every day. And Cousin Bailey helped take care of me every day! We had a lot of fun for three days!

I love my pediatrician! Mommy took me to see him again last Friday! I have gained A LOT of weight - I'm a big girl now! :) I weigh 9 lbs. 10 oz. - yippee! That puts me in the 70th percentile! And I am 22 1/4" long, so I am a VERY tall girl - the 90th percentile. My Mommy and Daddy don't think that will last for very long...since they aren't the tallest of giants! :)

I can't work a camera yet, so I'll get my Mommy to post photos soon of my one-month birthday!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I have arrived!

I'M HERE! I arrived at 8:17 a.m on Tuesday morning, weighing in at 7 lbs. 9 oz. I am 19 3/4 inches long, with a head full of brown hair. My blue eyes have already turned brown like Mommy's and Daddy's.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Patience is a Virtue

Mommy is still learning to have patience. It is SOOOO comfy inside, that the doctor told Mommy and Daddy that it might be as late as October 17th, the 41st week, before I arrive. :) I am getting cramped, but I'm really not in a rush. This seems to be driving Mommy crazy, but Daddy is handling it quite well, with calmness!

"Love is patient..." I Corinthians 13

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I'll be here before you know it...

Mommy and Daddy went to the doctor yesterday and found out that I have been a busy girl these past couple of weeks. I've moved down and gotten comfortable to greet them in the next few weeks. I weigh a little over 6 pounds, and my heartbeat is just as strong as ever!

The doctor and Mommy and Daddy are all picking dates on when they think I'll be here :), but none of us think it will be October 9th...I'm really feeling cramped, so I'm thinking a little earlier will be nice!

See you all soon!
Addie Kate

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Not born just yet!!!!

I haven't been born yet but I will soon be here...sometime around October 9th.

Drew and Berri are my parents and I can't wait to meet them. I know Berri will be the best mom and she will like to shop, bake, and play dress up with me. I am so excited because those are my favorite things to do!!!!

My favorite color is green, like my daddy; but don't tell him I also like pink.

All right I will see you all soon.

